Tag Archives: order cakes

Why you should Order from Waracake

Flourish Delight

When it is time to order for your cake online, you are met with a variety of options and you will need to be convinced on why you should pick one over the other. I’m sure you have seen lots of cake vendors online and ours is no different. We are cake vendors and we […]

How to Order Cakes Online

It is time for a celebration, and you are looking to get a celebratory cake. You don’t know how to order cakes online but you know that it is the best bet and everyone does it. You are right, everybody does it and you can definitely order cakes online and get delivery at your doorstep. […]


Hello everyone! We all know cakes are one of the most important items of interest at any celebration but have you ever wondered why most special occasions need cakes to be complete? Do you ever wonder what could possibly replace cakes at occasions? Wouldn’t you love to know why cakes are so special and why […]