Unique Birthday Greetings
Okay, so you want to get a birthday cake for that special person ? We think the usual Happy Birthday {inserts celebrant’s name} is old school & should be dead and gone already.
We did some research and we were able to come up with some unique birthday message greetings which are different from the usual norm. We would categorize based on individuals.
Romantic Birthday Greetings
- HBD My Better Half
- HBD 2 D girl/man of my dreams
- HBD my MarshMallow
- You’re sweeter than frosting
- {Age} years old, still slaying
- Aging but still Glowing
- {Age} & Sexy
- Cake is Sweet, Frosting is Sweeter, You are the Sweetest
General Birthday Greetings
- Oh $H!T, you older
- Look who’s {Age}
- Glowing at {Age}
- {Age} years of Awesomeness
- You’re never too old for cake
- I didn’t tell anyone you’re {age}, the cake did.
- Holy @#$%!
You’re [Age]!
- {Age} years old
Still Awesome
9. You Rock
10. Stay Awesome
For Older People
1. Golden 60
- You’re never too Old for cake
- What a Century
- Aging but still Glowing
Have you got some suggestions too ? Kindly mail to info@waracake.com . We would definitely give you credits.